Event Guide

2024 Food Revolution Summit Docuseries Poster
We’re so excited to bring you the Food Revolution Summit Docuseries!

Over the span of eight riveting episodes, you’ll unearth little-known information about the world’s most powerful foods for disease prevention, optimal health, and longevity. Explore how food can be a powerful tool to shape your future in the best possible way.

2024 Food Revolution Summit Docuseries Program cover
Here’s how it works

From April 24th to May 1st, we’re broadcasting a new, enthralling 60–90 minute episode daily at 11 am ET / 8 am PT.

Join us 15 minutes early (10:45 am ET / 7:45 am PT) for Ocean Robbins' inspiring introduction, and don't miss the post-episode segment where Ocean engages with live questions, shares key insights, and offers special prizes.

You’ll also be able to connect and learn alongside other food revolutionaries on the interactive screening page.

Your Episode Guide:

docuseries episode 1 thumbnail image
Beyond The Deception: Exposing Big Ag, Big Food, and Big Pharma — and Reclaiming Our Path to Wellness

Episode 1 · April 24, 2024 · 8 AM PDT / 11 AM EDT

Including Three Featured Extended Interviews

docuseries episode 2 thumbnail image
The Brain Episode: How Diet and Lifestyle Can Help You Think Clearer, Feel Better, & Prevent Alzheimer’s

Episode 2 · April 25, 2024 · 8 AM PDT / 11 AM EDT

Including Three Featured Extended Interviews

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Healthy Gut, Healthy Life: How to Nurture a Thriving Microbiome

Episode 3 · April 26, 2024 · 8 AM PDT / 11 AM EDT

Including Three Featured Extended Interviews

docuseries episode 4 thumbnail image
Beauty and Vitality: How to Nurture Healthy Skin, Hair, Nails, and Radiance from the Inside Out

Episode 4 · April 27, 2024 · 8 AM PDT / 11 AM EDT

Including Three Featured Extended Interviews

docuseries episode 5 thumbnail image
Heartbeat of Life: How Diet and Lifestyle Can End the World’s #1 Killer

Episode 5 · April 28, 2024 · 8 AM PDT / 11 AM EDT

Including Three Featured Extended Interviews

docuseries episode 6 thumbnail image
Diabesity Unmasked: The Truth About Weight Loss, Diabetes, and Food Freedom

Episode 6 · April 29, 2024 · 8 AM PDT / 11 AM EDT

Including Three Featured Extended Interviews

docuseries episode 7 thumbnail image
The Science of Nutrition: Exploring Comprehensive Studies, Hot Controversies, and the Critical Nutrients You Need

Episode 7 · April 30, 2024 · 8 AM PDT / 11 AM EDT

Including Three Featured Extended Interviews

docuseries episode 8 thumbnail image
The Future of Life on Earth: How to Be Part of the Solution with the Food on Your Plate

Episode 8 · May 1, 2024 · 8 AM PDT / 11 AM EDT

Including Three Featured Extended Interviews

Spread the Word

Be sure to tell your friends and family about the 2024 Food Revolution Summit Docuseries, so that together, we can spread this life-saving information far and wide.

The link to share is: www.foodrevolutionsummit.org, or use the easy share buttons below!

Can’t Join Live? No problem!

Catch the free episode broadcast replays, and three more of the in-depth interviews — available each day shortly after the live broadcast. Or, purchase an Empowerment Package to own the entire 2024 Food Revolution Summit Docuseries, and all 45 extended interviews (plus powerful bonus materials) to watch, listen to, or read at your leisure.

Meet The 45 Esteemed Experts In The Summit

headshot of Adam Sud

Adam Sud

Nutrition and Mental Health: How Adam Sud Overcame Addiction and Found Himself

headshot of Dr. Fugh-Berman

Adriane Fugh-Berman, MD

PharmedOut: How the Pharmaceutical Industry Shapes Medical Practice

headshot of Dr. Desmond

Alan Desmond, MB

Healing Your Gut: How to Eat for Digestive Wellness

headshot of Andy

Andy Bellatti, RDN

Food Integrity: Aligning Your Choices with Your Values

headshot of Andrew

Andrew Binovi, MPP

Sick and Subsidized: How Government Policy Undermines Public Health

headshot of Dr. Freeman

Andrew Freeman, MD

Take Charge of Your Heart: How To Prevent & Halt Cardiovascular Disease Progression

headshot of Team Sherzai

Dean Sherzai, MD and Ayesha Sherzai, MD

Brain-Smart Living: The Holistic Approach to Preventing Cognitive Decline

headshot of Dr. Bodemer

Apple Bodemer, MD

Healthy Skin, Hair & Nails: Wellness Practices To Nourish Your Body, Heart, and Soul

headshot of Chef Babette

Babette Davis (Chef Babette)

The Radiance Recipe: Cultivating Wellness from the Inside Out

headshot of Dr. Davis

Brenda Davis, RD

Nutritional Science: Thriving with Plant-Based Nutrition

headshot of Chef AJ

Chef AJ

The Joy of Healthy Eating: Finding Your “Why” & Loving Your Life

headshot of Chuck

Chuck Carroll

Freedom From Obesity: Shedding Pounds and Reclaiming Life

headshot of Dr. Batiste

Columbus Batiste, MD

Being “SELFISH”: A Cure for a Stressed and Broken Heart

headshot of Dr. Katz

David Katz, MD

Dispelling the Nonsense: What’s Really True About Food and Health

headshot of Dr. Perlmutter

David Perlmutter, MD

Brainpower Blueprint: Reducing Alzheimer’s Risk and Nurturing Mental Clarity

headshot of Dr. Ornish

Dean Ornish, MD

The Extraordinary Power of Lifestyle Medicine

headshot of Doug

Doug Evans

Sprouts: A Delicious and Nutrient-Dense Superfood

headshot of George

George Monbiot

How To Feed The World Without Destroying It

headshot of Dr. Powell-Stoddart

Helen Powell-Stoddart, MD

Eating for Healing: Reduce Chronic Pain & Inflammation with Food

headshot of Dr. Loomis

James Loomis, MD

Transformative Nutrition: Eating for Optimal Performance and Health

headshot of Jennifer

Jennifer Paul-Quinn, MPH

Hungry for Justice: How Food Can Bridge Health Disparities

headshot of Dr. Fuhrman

Joel Fuhrman, MD

The Nutritarian Blueprint: Dr. Fuhrman’s Guide to Lifelong Health & Happiness

headshot of Dr. Kahn

Joel Kahn, MD

Beyond Cholesterol: The Truth About Supplements, Fats, and Modern Food Myths

headshot of Dr. McDougall

John McDougall, MD

In memoriam — we honor Dr. McDougall’s memory after he passed away in the summer of 2024.

headshot of Kris

Kris Carr

Eat Your Veggies, Ignite Your Spark, & Live Like You Mean It

headshot of Dr. Marbas

Laurie Marbas, MD

Dismantling Diabesity: The Combination of Obesity and Diabetes

headshot of Leah

Leah Garcés

The Heart of Compassion: Building A More Healthy & Humane Food System

headshot of Lianna

Lianna Levine Reisner

From Struggle to Strength: Lianna Levine Reisner’s Plant-Powered Transformation

headshot of Dr. Nestle

Marion Nestle, PhD

Food Politics: How The Status Quo is Making Us Sick (And What We Can Do About It!)

headshot of Dr. Wasserman

Martin Wasserman, MD

Project Wetsuit: An Elderly Doctor’s Athletic and Health Revolution

headshot of Dr. Lederman & Dr. Pulde

Matthew Lederman, MD & Alona Pulde, MD

Wellness to Wonderful: Lifestyle Choices for Vitality and Joy

headshot of Dr. Greger

Michael Greger, MD

How To Prevent & Reverse Disease: What the Research Says

headshot of Dr. Klaper

Michael Klaper, MD

Your Food & Your Future: The Science of Body and Planet

headshot of Dr. Pelz

Mindy Pelz, DC

Women’s Wellness: Hormones, Fasting, and Thriving At Every Stage of Life

headshot of Dr. Barnard

Neal Barnard, MD

From Autopsy to Advocacy: Dr. Barnard’s Journey to Promoting Plant-Based Living

headshot of Dr. Cooper

Neil Cooper, MD

From Stents to Plants: A Cardiologist’s Path to Heart Health

headshot of Dr. Chutkan

Robynne Chutkan, MD

The Microbiome Solution: How To Heal Your Body From the Inside Out

headshot of Dr. Stoll

Scott Stoll, MD

Lifestyle Medicine: Prescriptions for Living Your Best, Most Vibrant Life

headshot of Dr. Toombs-Withers

Shayla Toombs-Withers, DO

Treat Your Body Right: Self Love, Mental Health, & Beauty from the Inside Out

headshot of Dr. Lome

Steven Lome, DO

The Heart of the Matter: A Cardiologist’s Personal Story

headshot of Dr. Thompson

Susan Peirce Thompson, PhD

The Truth About Weight Loss: Escaping Diet Tyranny and Finding Food Freedom

headshot of Dr. Naidoo

Uma Naidoo, MD

Food and Mental Health: The Surprising Foods That Fight Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, OCD, ADHD, & More

headshot of Dr. Shiva

Vandana Shiva, PhD

From Soil to Sustenance: The Path to Regenerative Food Systems

headshot of Dr. Rahman

Vanita Rahman, MD

The Vicious Cycle: How Dieting and Emotional Eating Impact Health & Happiness

headshot of Dr. Li

William W. Li, MD

Eat To Beat Disease: The New Science of How Your Body Can Heal Itself

Maximize your experience!

Ensure you don't miss a thing by upgrading to the Empowerment Package.

[Food Revolution Summit Empowerment Package graphic]
  • Prioritize your health
  • Own the entire docuseries and watch on your own timeline
  • Enjoy unlimited access to all 45 in-depth interviews (video and audio)
  • Get written transcripts — perfect if you prefer to read
  • Enjoy 24 scrumptious plant-based “recipes of the day”
  • Get over $1,000 in bonus gifts
  • Share what you learn with your friends and family
  • Support Food Revolution Network’s mission for a healthier world
Ocean and John Robbins headshot

We are John and Ocean Robbins, the father and son team that founded Food Revolution Network to empower YOU with cutting-edge, must-have information about the most critical diet and health issues of our times.

We can’t WAIT to share this series with you!

Thank you for being part of the food revolution.

John & Ocean signature