2024 Food Revolution Summit Docuseries2024 Food Revolution Summit Docuseries

docuseries episode 7 thumbnail

Episode 7: The Science of Nutrition

Exploring Comprehensive Studies, Hot Controversies, and the Critical Nutrients You Need

Should you go keto, raw, Paleo, vegan, or follow a blood-type diet? In a world where conflicting nutrition advice runs rampant, how do you know what’s fact and what’s fiction?

In this episode, we:

  • Go beyond fads and bestselling books to discover what the science says about the most controversial topics in food and health
  • Reveal the truth behind hot-button topics like soy, lectins, and phytates
  • Teach how to end the confusion behind fatty acids and get the truth about rancidity in fish oil
  • Uncover the truth about protein as we clarify how much you really need, whether there is such a thing as too much, and whether plant protein or animal protein is best

You’ll get a comprehensive rundown of the specific vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals you need to stay healthy, now and in the future.

Scroll down for recipes!

How It Works: Each day of the Summit we broadcast a new episode. Join Ocean Robbins at 10:45 am ET / 7:45 am PT / 2:45 pm GMT for 15 minutes of welcoming words before the episode broadcast starts at the top of the hour. After each day’s screening ends, the episode plus three extended interviews are available on replay for a day. Scroll down to the Episode carousel below to watch trailers and see what's available now. For the full schedule, click here. And unlock unlimited access and essential extras with the Empowerment Package.

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[Food Revolution Summit Empowerment Package graphic]

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Let the Empowerment Package unlock healthier habits for you and your family, show you how to use your fork to help the plant, and guide you through the maze of health information and misinformation.

Secure the Empowerment Package today.

  • Hear 2024’s most groundbreaking health insights from 45+ leading food and health global experts.
  • Own unlimited access to all 8 episodes and 45+ extended interviews. Plus, enjoy downloadable audio for each episode and interview to listen on the go — whether you’re driving, exercising, gardening, or cooking.
  • Receive over $1,000 in bonus gifts from FRN and our partners, to accelerate your path to the healthiest life possible!
  • NEW FOR 2024! Get an insider’s only bonus with your choice of a Health Collection worth $97. No need to take notes. Get beautifully written transcripts of all the episodes and the extended interviews (plus source links for studies cited), so you can quickly find the information you need for years to come.
  • Support FRN’s mission! Each purchase directly enables us to reach and inspire more people.
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Each day of the Summit, enjoy three more Recipes Of The Day, and a recipe demonstration video, from Nichole Dandrea-Russert, RDN.

Nichole is co-author, with Ocean Robbins, of FRN's forthcoming cookbook, Powered By Plants.

Introduce yourself! What are you hoping to get out of the Summit?

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